
In 2024, we’re bringing Shadow into the light with a new fan celebration campaign – Fearless: Year of Shadow.

While we ran with our successful Fast. Friends. Forever. program last year, our new annual campaign this year celebrates what it means to be Fearless, and embracing your inner Shadow:


But don’t just take it from us, witness it from the Ultimate Lifeform himself as we take you on an action-packed ride throughout the year filled with countless energetic moments.

Hang tight and check out “News” section below for updates as the Fearless: Year of Shadow unfolds.








Shadow is known as the Ultimate Lifeform. He was created by Prof. Gerald Robotnik (Dr. Eggman’s grandfather) as part of a complex conspiracy involving the military and some ravenous aliens. Shadow has incredible speed, ferocious strength, and a rare ability called “Chaos Control” — by utilizing the power of a Chaos Emerald, he can stop time and appear to warp to a new position instantaneously.

Shadow is always on the prowl for dangers to the world. While he has no love for it or its people, they were cherished by his one friend: the late Maria Robotnik (Dr. Eggman’s cousin). He protects Earth in honor of her memory; willing to do anything, and fight anyone, to ensure no one threatens the world Maria cherished. While Shadow prefers to be alone, he allows himself to trust in the occasional support of Rouge and Omega. They are the only ones he can count on for help that won’t question his methods.


Rouge is truly a skilled and tenacious jill-of-all-trades. She’s an expert spy, adept flyer, an accomplished jewel thief, a trained fighter, and even wields custom demolitions. Some people just have it all!

Rouge doesn’t play favorites and will happily work for anyone so long as it gets her what she wants. Her cunning and wit make it hard to tell when she’s being coy and when she’s really acting as a double-agent. Her sincerest bond is with Shadow, whom she earnestly respects and supports. Rouge knows she can count on Shadow when she needs him, and that he won’t question her motivations.


Omega is the last in the E-100 Series; powerful battle robots built by Dr. Eggman. Omega is a walking arsenal with all manner of lasers, missiles and incendiary devices hidden in his bulky frame. If he can’t shoot it down or blow it up, he can rend it asunder with his razor-sharp claws and immense strength.

Omega felt like he was being devalued by Dr. Eggman, and so he rebelled. Now his single-minded objective is to destroy all of Dr. Eggman’s creations to prove to his creator he is the strongest – before finishing off the doctor himself! While there isn’t anyone who would call him a “friend,” he shares a grim rapport with Shadow and Rouge. He knows he can trust them to support his violent campaign without trying to hold him back.


Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik is an unparalleled mechanic and genius. His dream is to conquer the world and reshape it in his image. To that end, he builds sprawling armies of robots and vast fleets of warships. This means he needs a lot of energy to fuel his conquests, so he’s often hunting down the Chaos Emeralds or other sources of arcane power.

Sonic used to tease him with the nickname “Eggman,” so the doctor took it for himself and made it his own. What once was a point of mockery is now his signature brand, and many fear the might of the “Eggman Empire.” While Sonic is his bitter enemy, Dr. Eggman can’t help but respect his incredible skill and spirit. Likewise, Sonic genuinely respects the doctor’s tenacity, although he wishes he’d use his genius for good.


Sonic is the living embodiment of being free as the wind. He’s the fastest thing alive! He spends most of his days exploring the world, experiencing its thrills, and finding new challenges. When he isn’t sprinting around at top speed, you’ll likely find him savoring a chili dog while relaxing in nature.

Sonic is an inspiration to everyone he meets. He gives his friends the courage to be their best selves, and even his fiercest rivals and enemies can’t help but respect his unstoppable will. While Sonic doesn’t play by anyone’s rules, he’ll always come to the aid of those in need to ensure they can live as free and happy as he does.


Tails is a young fox just coming into his own and discovering his full potential. He’s a genius mechanic and inventor, as well as a swift and experienced adventurer. He’s also an ace pilot with a garage full of Tornado series airplanes.

Once a timid boy, Tails was ashamed of how his twin tails made him different. But then Sonic helped him realize that this difference also gives him amazing abilities, as he can use his tails to fly, propelling him across land or even underwater. Now Sonic’s best friend and partner in adventure, he’s grown a lot since those early days. Taking inspiration from Sonic, Tails now aspires to be a hero in his own right.


Knuckles is the guardian of the Master Emerald, a powerful gemstone tied to the history of the world. He also safeguards its home, Angel Island, a flying island paradise. He traverses the Earth’s varied, wild environments with incredible speed and impressive gliding techniques, while his stunning strength allows him to climb over, or bust through, any obstacle.

Knuckles is a serious and straight-forward warrior, which often leads to friction with Sonic’s witty, casual way of life. The two of them are staunch rivals, but with a deep and mutual respect for each other. Over time and countless adventures, Knuckles has come to open up a little and trust in the friends he’s met through Sonic. And while he isn’t the warm-and-fuzzy type, he’ll defend his friends with ferocious determination.


Amy is a spirited and athletic adventurer out to share her boundless love with the world. She wields her signature Piko Piko Hammer with incredible strength and grace to defend those in need.

Amy first met Sonic by following the guidance of her Fortune Cards. Unfortunately, the cards didn’t tell her about Metal Sonic… or did they?! Ever since, she’s pushed herself to grow as an adventurer in order to bring love and peace to the world. She may not be chasing after Sonic anymore, but he’s still number one in her heart.